Color Pastures to View by Data Layer (Rest Days, ADAs, Grazing Days, or Forage)
From the Map tab, select "data Layers" icon on the left. The icon is shaped like a folded piece of paper.
In the list of data layers, select the one you would like to view. The Map will update automatically.
3. Set the color gradient for each pasture color below the list of data layers. To set the selected layer as the default view, click the green box at the bottom of the pop-up box marked "Make this my Default View".
Change Pasture Color
To change the default green color of the pasture, select the "data Layers" icon on the left side of the screen. The icon is shaped like a folded piece of paper.
2. Click the drop-down menu under the "Pasture Color" and select a new color. The Map will update automatically.Click "Make This My Default View" to save pastures with this new color.
Label Pastures by Name
From the Map tab, select "data Layers" icon on the left. The icon is shaped like a folded piece of paper.
Select "Pasture Names" from the list on the left. The map will update to label your pastures by name and acreage.