Add Rainfall Data from a NOAA Weather Station
From the Map view, select the “Rainfall” icon at the bottom left.
2. To use rainfall data from a nearby NOAA station, click the "Stations" tab and then select the appropriate weather station.
3. Click the "Graph" tab in the Rainfall window to see the available rainfall data from this weather station.
Upload Your Own Rainfall Data
From the Map view, select the "Rainfall" icon at the bottom left.
2. Click "Rainfall Events" and then click the green button labeled "Upload CSV" under the calendar.
Your CSV file should contain two columns and a header row. The first column should be called "Date" and the second column should be called "Rainfall". The Rainfall column should contain the rainfall amounts for each day in inches or centimeters, depending on your ranch unit setting. You can download and use this Rainfall CSV Template to make sure it's in the right format.
Edit Rainfall Data
From the Map view, select the "Rainfall" icon at the bottom left.
2. Click "Rainfall Events" and then clicking on the date you would like to edit for rainfall.
You may change the rainfall on the selected date by typing a new value into the box marked “Rainfall” under the Calendar.
3. Once done, click "Save".
View Rainfall Graph
From the Map view, select the "Rainfall" icon at the bottom left.
Click "Graph". The graph shows rainfall over time.